Just Say No to Lousy “Copy” iPhone Screens
By Disc Depot In Repair Process
You can’t see the washed-out display as easily here, and you can’t see the subtle but noticeable flickering of those vertical lines (caused- we’d guess- by an insufficient refresh rate). However, you definitely can see the fact that this unofficial “copy” screen fitted to an iPhone 6 by another company has noticeably poorer resolution than the Retina-quality original screen.
We always recommend having an original screen fitted for this reason. In this article on copy screens at our sister website DiscDepotDundee.co.uk, we explain the reason for this, including some of the serious and concerning drawbacks. (Spoiler; some poor quality copy screens can do more than look bad- they can actually damage your phone).
Many companies will fit one of these unofficial “copy” screens without informing their customers (who wouldn’t have known enough to ask in the first place). They tend to work out slightly cheaper- nice for them if they’re selling their services purely on price and slashed their margins to the bone to compete- but do you really want one of these poor quality screens in an iPhone you bought because of its nice display?
Unofficial “copy” screens like this are manufactured and designed entirely independently by third-party companies. While we’ve nothing against that in principle, in practice most copy screens are at best of inferior quality to the original Apple versions. At worst, they make a mockery of the original Retina screen and/or break your phone. Check out the article for more details.
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